Class Blog already 100 is my blog!
Gonna make this funny and entertaining!
Last week played Table Tennis with Mr Chin. Haiz...lost...
But Mr Chin nvr change...he will always 自夸...lols
And i got a new resolution...must treat JP better...lols...i must b crazy(i always am) to think of it...well, lets see how it goes...
Paying for Prom Night's money tmr...and Tiger ask me date Alicia for Prom...siao i interested in shorties...Tiger u like her then say la...dun nid shy de...i noe what old men are thinking in their head (not tt i m old)...ThanxD once said tt he read an article tt says the height diff between a couple shud be around 12cm...probably not more than tt...coz liddat the shoulder just nice height for the shorter one to lean on...maybe i nid go find some 185+cm de lady liao...xD(crazy sia)...Height diff between Alicia and Weiyi is like alicia's head on top can put 1 watermelon to b on par with weiyi's height. lols
Yesterday played TT and thrashed Soh Jan...hahas NOOB! Jan so 不要脸...wan win me? wait long long...xD(too ego liao)...and she accuse me of cheating coz i joker mah...i was looking at a distance and i said "Hi Mr Chin!" then she turn around...then i 乘机 serve ball then of course ace ball la...but not counted...i very gentleman de ok...Mr Chin pangseh me fun...must wait till he come then very funny...he will 自夸 alot then in the end will lose de xD...i think i play TT got learn something from him...haolian and 不要脸...xD...lols...jk...i gotta change his plastic bag for him...coz i always borrow from him...such a nice man...
Today stay back till dam late coz till lecture by ms wee...lecture me almost 1 hr...T.T
wan cry liao...she says i m the kind tt she expects me to go NJC or Hwa Chong de...she says i m very intelligent(of course...) just tt i nvr put my skills to use...(every body says so...i m too lackadaisical...but i have potential...just like a diamond before polishing...must polish to unleash the shine within me...yea yea i noe...i m just too slack) lecture till she sound dam sad...then she says she feel dam 心冷...coz we nvr listen to her...and i m not gonna say her bad things liao...or else later i feel too bad...
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Actually i have a lot to post but i guess i shall keep it short and sweet (just like me...erm, i mean the sweet part...not short) and recent...
Playing a lot of table tennis recently and its like a critical period...just like last year which i play TT during this period too...oh well...
Friday got NS(not national service night study, night study!) then b4 tt i played TT with Mr Chin and we had an appointment for the game...but Mr Chin went out eat then when he was coming back, it was raining so he was LATE! 30min...but nvm, he wear the PE outfit thingy and so we played lor...than got 不速之客 JP...he not bad la...just tt JP very no one like him...if only he could change...(then can be my best friend liao...and i m in the point of view of man)...well well...Mr Chin ar Mr Chin...i improve a lot liao ok...just like my subjects xD...Mr Chin 小看我 then in the end almost lose...
Got 1 cher come then we plae 2v2...i and JP lah...duh...we thrashed the teachers...Mr Chin always say 大话...LOLS!! Then in the end lose 4-1...very funny. He always say will thrash us then in the end he tio thrash...probably because his partner and him no 默契...then ThanxD and Mr Chin lose to me and JP 3-0.
Mr Chin has been losing tt day...until i become his partner...i with him tag is like got the most hope de...coz the rest tag with him is seriously CMI...not tt they noob but is no teamwork...unlike me...with any1 oso sure got teamwork de. xD
Mr Chin agrees tt i m the best partner lols...and we swapped our nxt time when i become alumnus he can invite me back to plae xD. ThanxD with JP team then JP keep blaming ThanxD causing ThanxD to be SUPER PISSED! and ThanxD anyhow plae coz JP keep saying tt ThanxD noob...
ThanxD cant win me can 徒弟 win 师傅? Can is can...but not when i m the 师傅 lah duh...
Night study at cafateria then at night got a lot of flying insects...pissing us off...then a bunch of us were like disturbing the insects(who ask them disturb us first). Then i use earphones at MAX volume and put near the insect (omg...i cant believe i m so evil...pardon me...) and the insect tio SHOCKED!! keep on 挣扎.
And Chunkit nid see principal coz he L1R5 too high liao :21...
Then after he see principal, he tell us wad happened...lols it was damn funny lor...
Chunkit's mom very busy one and tt night nid go China or something, so no choice nid to see principal before she flies off...
At the meeting her phone keep ringing.
Principal ask Chunkit he use how much computer each day and he said 4hrs...but not all 4 hrs i playing, he added...joker...
he said he plays abt 2 hrs onli...鬼才相信!
and he oso told us abt his mom's job...some OCBC personnel in charge of hiring and firing and the salary of the workers...and one day there was 3 vacancy and 5 ppl turned up for the job but all did quite well...then chunkit's mom ask him choose any 3 tt he like and the other too suay unprofessional...
Damn tt BigBird...waste my time sia...played CoH and tio pwn by Bunty...(Bork's Bro)(notice the alliteration of the letter 'B' in Big Bird and Bunty and Bork? No wonder Birdy everything score B lor...)
Oh and i heard tt someone's L1R4 got's like almost hitting the JP(not Jason Phuah...cmon, we have no's hitting the JackPot)...5subjects with each one f9 nets u 45 pts...and tt "pro" guy got 44...WOW...nth to say...
Well...watched the Jonas Brothers concert preparation thingy on mio tv...and YES...guess starring Demi Lovato!!! (sh*t...i m so obsessed with Demi...demigod..xD...Chiou bu with lovely voice and she's only 16...) man...i m dreaming too much nowadays...
I actually spent so much on
damn...i hate F2P P2O games...(Free-2-play Pay-2-own)
But nvm, at least i owned... xD
Gave a lot of my used ppc to others...i shud stop this habit...soon...dam la Arh Boy...your fault lah...make me 'addicted'
Anyways Happy Birthday to Mr Teo Chee Siong (my pri5 &6 form teacher)
Wow...this week was a very busy week...
Monday is ACES(All Children Exercise Simultaneously) Day...Got some ppl come school teach us kick-boxing and taiji...lols it was lame...then there was CIP afterwards...CIP ended rather early due to our excellent efficiency
After CIP went back to UPS for teachers day celebration...but when i reached there, only a few of the rest of ex-6c were joyce, yutan and stanley...and the security guard dun allow those not in school U to go in...haiz...
Then Seok, Derek and Aaron arrived
Went Vivo...y there i also watch G.I. Joe...haiz...very nice movie...
Then Sophia so late then come...and so she went there just to eat Superdog...lols...
Tuesday morning was our ex-6c morning exercise...played bball with Michelle, her bro Nick, Stanley and Derek...saw a group of ppl playing Yugioh and when i played with them, i lost...oh well...this sucks
Wednesday went to school again and everything sucks...screwed up my prelims le...but nvm, i m a black horse...will thrash all of u ppl at the real thing...muahahaha...
Screwed up EL and all my humanities...Dang!(not scolding u lah nicholas dang...)
Thursday Ms Wee was damn disappointed...came and 'lecture' us...she analyse our mistakes for us...not bad huh? and Thursday was the first time tt HongDa touch TT(not touch Trina Tay lah...开玩笑!(with the 女王本色's uncle accent) is touch Table Tennis...dun 想歪) HongDa, take ur time learn bah...saw WeiLiang too, who taught me how to play TT last year...
Friday, played TT again but with SzeChew, he abit rusty...but at least better than someone who keeps saying that he very pro...retarded, HoSY shud noe who tt guy is...
Mr Chin ar Mr Chin. when u wan play TT with me again?
Well, on Friday while i was having lunch at the cafetaria, i went to the vegetarian stall and the aunty noe my name, i hav my nametag on mah, but then she reminded me of my neighbour and she noes quite a lot abt the story goes tt she has a daughter and she came to our school last Friday and when she saw me she remembers me...well well, you cant blame a guy for being Charming, Charismatic and Attractice, can you? And i thought tt when i went home i saw her...well, nvm
Nicks:Mathspro™, Mathsprince™ (anything with pro or Maths)
Skool:Geniuses dun go to school!
Read this Intro
They call me Mathspro™
I have lived for Many years
My Favourite Thing Is Friends
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered by the way i like to make ppl laugh
I love my Self the most
Tag before you leave
The One and ONLY Mathspro™ in Singapore, Malaysia and some-say Batam and the World...Sheez, am i getting too thick-skinned?
I hate people who act like they know something when they actually dun...(CCK i'm talking abt u...xD)
Man! i am BLOODY EVIL *sinister laugh* i mock ppl who r shorter than sad Chee Koon xD
Dun order me around...u FOOLS!
What is FEAR?
Or it can be...
Therefore i m unafraid of FEAR...coz they are something that exists only in my is false
Thx Brent Williams
U changed my life
Proud member of MindChamps class S4L 8039!!! Daniel Chiam rox
<3 MindChamps
Coz the people touch me in more ways than one( sounds so wrong)
C'mon ppl, SPAM my tagboard.
I am GamersGuide...the very pro mage (in Rakion) ya xD...actually is average, is u guys out there noob! and my cells pro...xD
[[ My Adores ]]
Drinks:Everything too...almost...
People:Likes to be alone
[[ My Detests ]]
People:JP Jp and more JP
Things:JP JP and still more JP
Food:Can't think of any - Free IQ Test
[[ Music's Playing ]]
[[ My History ]]
|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|December 2010|January 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|August 2011|January 2012
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Friends ]]
Class Blog 3P2/4P2
|Teo Wen Fei(TWF)|
|Benjamin Wong(some1 who loves TWF)|
205 LOLers '07
|Agnes (haha short...opps sry)|
|Aixin (Monster/爱心?)|
|Chin Yee <--not tall|
|Feng Yu(Look at me!)|
|Han Xiong <--HAHAS...Short|
|Jarin Tan <--SHORT!!|
|Jasmine(a bit taller, huh?)|
|Long Siang AKA MSL|
|Qianni (欠你)|
|Qiu Wen (nth 2 say leh...)|
|Xihui AKA 西瓜|
|Xinni<--not tall 2|
|Zhicong the blackie|
4P2 friends
|Alvin Wo(A SJAB guy tt pwn Meng Han|
|Eugene Liong(MY Brother)|
|Hui Yi(o.0 Kiya=NOOB!)|
|Ong Jian Hui(Aussie ass...this sounds so wrong)|
|Ding Xun (once a no. 1)|
Volleyballers BP
|Ong Yong Chee(My senior!)|
S4L 8039 class
|Xin Shen(USS guy xD)|
|Sheng Ying (Falltumn)|
|Agnes Lee (大小姐!)|
|Tay Wei Le (Lelewo~~)|
[[ Credits ]]
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|