they giving out so many trophies n certificates but nvr giv out my top-in-school SMO cert...
tmr is SS and i m still here unprepared...
Michelle, gimme more notes! my SS sure gg de...
this post is to prove to ThanxD and HD tt i haven study SS essays...
Last Friday was some National Day celebration...*yawns(now ppl noe where i m from)...was boring at school...the only fun started when i reached primary school to find my friends...muahahaha...i feel so tall now!!! my glasses damaged b4 going for the primary school gathering so i had to get it the saying goes...sai weng shi ma, yan zhi fei fu (dunno y cannot type chinese)...i finally understood wad it means...(not like i dun in the past...)...met a friend who was not aware of the gathering...oh well...and she's Joyce! she blur blur de...then i sort of psycho-ed her to go back...
At UPS...there was @wl, michelle, yu tan, stanley, ben wong, wen fei, jiaxin, cheryl, seok yin, hamizah, my lost fren: joyce and me(i think i left some1 out) wow...UPS changed a lot...and Mr Teo says i look like L(deathnote one) i nid so much hair? well, i guess so...
oh sry derek...i left u could gay partner(gay in the old times)...
Mr Teo spent a lot of money on us...and we sucessfully 'booked' him tt day...screw the sec2s...dun have "kong3 rong2 rang4 li2" wonder cant do as well as our batch...xD...Mr Teo thx for the movies and supper...xD
i very lazy post...haiz...
oh and tt day got 123456789...meaning
12:34:56pm 07/08/09
time, DD/MM/YY
cool rite?
onli i so lame go notice this...
(sry derek yeo zi hiang...i left u out...xD)
It's another week (closer to prelims and o's)
Lemme recall...
This week ThanxD finally came back after being absent for a week...but now it's HongDa's turn...hopefully next week wun b me...if not the class no laughter liao...
I rmb thursday...
There was Geog Class on thursday and after the geog class was ELit...but since i have the "SEE ME" on my homework...i nid to stay back to see Ms Clare i stayed back lor...then JP got no see me but he still stay back coz he nid to take something from MS Wee...saying wad she lost his paper and he nid it back to study...(like he study liddat...) then Ms Wee says he'll hav to trade his homework for a piece of note...then JP damn not happy lor...keep blaming Ms Wee saying tt it was her fault of losing his paper...then after a small arguement, JP went back to class first...i and Birdy stayed back to clarify geog things with Wee...
After clarifying, i thanked Ms Wee by saying "Thanks for CLARE-WEE-fying the things to me" and she said "sure!"
she didnt notice the pun so i said" It's a pun from ur name"
and she replied"OH! Ya..."
and after a while when i was abt to walk back to class she called out "Roger!"
and i said" Yes?"
and she replied" I meant Roger That!"
Well well...someone who can joke...COOL! and she is off to Cambodia for some voluntary work...Gd Ms Wee class is stuck with Julia Tan...
Then i went back class abt 10-15 min late...then nid to greet Osgodby...if not he will angry and oso nid to explain...he at first quite angry, coz we late mah, then after my explantion and a little bit of charisma, he nvr scold...he onli said that we'd missed something important...
When i got back to my seat...Hammy told me abt JP...JP was late for ELit too, but not as late as me...but instead of explaining and greeting Mr Osgodby...he tried to creep into the class room without being notice...but he cant! LOOK AT THE MIRROR LAH JP...U SO FAT STILL WANT TO HIDE...HIDE UR ASS LAH...then Osgodby saw what JP was trying to do and he bellowed "GET OUT!" Cool!!
then JP no choice hav to go out and come in by the front door and explain and get a earful from the towering figure you-noe-who.
Then after ELit...Ms Wee went to find JP and told him tt he nid to trade his work for the notes 1-for-1 then JP 不爽 and he curse ppl lor...(well...he's always liddat, if not he not call JP liao)
Friday got Google visit for some engineering thing...Went Science Centre to gather...then went the shop there and look around...then i saw some brochure look-alike thing and i took it...then there was a lot of fake insects for sale...and Ah Meng(not the Orang Utan, mind you...the Ah Meng cuter than this Ah Meng that i'm talking abt...) the very 猛 one...wants to buy things and frighten ppl some electric shock device...(he wans to 电 girls...)...and he also wanted to buy fake cockroaches to 吓小妹妹...(tt wad he says) then his prime target is the one tt screams a lot in clas...and that is HuiYi...he has been noticing how she screams a lot...then i questioned(<---i use what i've learnt immediately in EL Class) Ah Meng how issit tt he notice her so must b bcoz of TingHui who is sitting next to her lor...then Ah Mang "Opps" and diam diam liao...
And the Google visit got ZeTong, Alvin, Meng Han, Hong Da(yes it's the absent kia), me, Clinton and Jeremy Oh(my god...yes? who's calling me??)
The google engineering thing very interesting but the session was too short liao...could have been longer...
Raffles wasnt really geniuses...coz i answered a lot of questions faster than them...and Hong Da too...just tt we lazy raise our hands...
Then when they ask questions, the raffles ppl sitting in front of us listened to our answers and used it as their own...nvm, i dun care...i just noe tt i m smart can liao...
For many megabytes in a gigabyte...and some raffles genius shouted 1000...its 1024 lah...nvm, at least i noe tt i m a genius! xD
Binary number 1010 is 10 and i and hongda noe the answer...we said it out but raffles took our answer and turned it into something concrete...(a prize)...well...
How does google get its name from? and some Einstein said from the number Googal which is "1 to the power of hundred" (21st century's Einstein huh? 1 to the power of hundred is 1!) Well, that's Raffles FYI(i'm speaking a bit like Ms Wee)
Then on the way back, we took the train from Tanjong Pagar...and the train got advertisement de mah...and it was abt condoms...wad okamoto 003-world's thinnest...and Jeremy Oh was like laughing at Ah Meng saying he no money buy tt's y he use chewing gum from Malaysia...and i, being a witty one, thought of a joke immediately...
I corrected Jeremy Oh and told Ah Meng tt he must be careful of what type of gum he buys...If he buys those kind of Wriggley's Chewing Gum and use it as a replacement *Ah-hem...and when women sees it, they will tend to CHEW! tt's why can onli buy bubble gum for *Ah-hem coz when women sees bubble gum, they will tend to BLOW...well well...i'm sure HoSY noes what i m talking abt...
then came back to Lot1 and ate Dinner with HD...and i was searching for what to eat in the Food Junction, i saw Mrs Poh, Ms Chew, Mdm Quek and one other maths teacher...and i told hongda...then HD eat extremely fast and told me to eat faster as he dun wan to be noticed by the teachers of him being in school U...coz he pon school but go engineering...then i slowly take my time(not on purpose , of course) until HD almost piss off...then we went off...
That night got night study i walk back to school lor...but late...then i was taking temperature while walking in then Tiger ask me dunnid take...and he ask me wait...while 2 others were behind me...he scold us then says "NONONO...THIS IS RUBBISH...YOU ALL ARE WASTING MY TIME!" then he wans reason so i tell him i went for Google engineering visit...then he no choice have to let me off lor...PRICELESS!!!THE LOOK ON TIGER'S FACE IS PRICELESS!!! TOTALLY COOL!!!
Night study didnt seem like night study...coz Mrs Poh came in and i keep talking to her...(some1 said tt Mrs Poh and I are just like mother and son) lols...i noe i veri charismatic...xD(it's a fact!)
I keep talking to her abt Ms Suzanne Lee's age but she just wun let the cat out of the bag...she scared 好奇心杀死猫 (curiousity kills the cat translated directly)...she keep asking me go ask Ms Lee directly but Lee just wun say...she wans us guess...but when i guess 50yr old then she not veri happy liao...but she having mood swings she must have been thru a in other words, she's not young i and Mrs Poh talked abt Ms Lee and i lied to her saying i nid to noe her age so as a class, we can celebrate her birthday as she puts in a lot of efforts for our class(which is true...just tt we dun appreciate it, sadly)...then Mrs Poh not too happy after hearing it coz she not happy tt we not celebrating for her...i apologise "Sorry...Sorry..." then she says"你没有心 birthday over long ago liao"...Sad lor Mrs Poh...still got next year mah...also talked abt JP...the Calendar mysterious secret of Jan, Feb all write out the first letter of will get:
JASON!!(sianz...evErywhere oso got tt FREAK!)
oh...i rmb 1 time after EL is EMATHS so Ms Lee, as usual, couldnt finish her lesson coz of some jokers (who wrote tofu on everything tt they write xD!!)("U THINK THE EXAMINER DUNNO WHAT TOFU IS??" screamed Ms Lee)...lols...then Ms Lee was trying to complete the things on the board when Mrs Poh arrived and was waiting outside...It was Friday...
Then Ms Lee apologise to Mrs Poh...for taking up her time...then i shouted(which i always do xD) "Ms Lee...Mrs Poh very nice de...she wun blame u de coz she respect her elders!" ( i very bad? lols...but it's a fact)
When i asked Mrs Poh if Ms Lee is older than her, then Mrs Poh very happy...XD...seriously lah...Mrs Poh looks younger...(in fact she IS younger)
Well...gonna have dinner le...
(after such a long post...which many will love it! xD...xcept JP and Ms Lee, of course...)
Oh...and while i was going thru my email...i came across this...
Someone had to remind me, so I ' m reminding you too. Don't laugh…it is all true…
Perks of reaching 40, 50 or being over 60 and heading towards 70!
This is obciously for you-noe-who (some1 i mentioned earlier...)
01. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
02. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
03. No one expects you to run -anywhere.
04. People call at 9 pm and ask, did I wake you?
05. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
06. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
07. Things you buy now won't wear out.
08. You can eat supper at 4 pm.
09. You can live without sex but not your glasses.
10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.
11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
12. You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room.
13. You sing along with elevator music.
14. Your eyes won't get much worse.
15. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
16. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service.
17. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
18. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.
19. You can't remember who sent you this list.
SIGNING OFF (again...)
~~~EMO~~~ (again...)
Nicks:Mathspro™, Mathsprince™ (anything with pro or Maths)
Skool:Geniuses dun go to school!
Read this Intro
They call me Mathspro™
I have lived for Many years
My Favourite Thing Is Friends
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered by the way i like to make ppl laugh
I love my Self the most
Tag before you leave
The One and ONLY Mathspro™ in Singapore, Malaysia and some-say Batam and the World...Sheez, am i getting too thick-skinned?
I hate people who act like they know something when they actually dun...(CCK i'm talking abt u...xD)
Man! i am BLOODY EVIL *sinister laugh* i mock ppl who r shorter than sad Chee Koon xD
Dun order me around...u FOOLS!
What is FEAR?
Or it can be...
Therefore i m unafraid of FEAR...coz they are something that exists only in my is false
Thx Brent Williams
U changed my life
Proud member of MindChamps class S4L 8039!!! Daniel Chiam rox
<3 MindChamps
Coz the people touch me in more ways than one( sounds so wrong)
C'mon ppl, SPAM my tagboard.
I am GamersGuide...the very pro mage (in Rakion) ya xD...actually is average, is u guys out there noob! and my cells pro...xD
[[ My Adores ]]
Drinks:Everything too...almost...
People:Likes to be alone
[[ My Detests ]]
People:JP Jp and more JP
Things:JP JP and still more JP
Food:Can't think of any - Free IQ Test
[[ Music's Playing ]]
[[ My History ]]
|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|December 2010|January 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|August 2011|January 2012
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Friends ]]
Class Blog 3P2/4P2
|Teo Wen Fei(TWF)|
|Benjamin Wong(some1 who loves TWF)|
205 LOLers '07
|Agnes (haha short...opps sry)|
|Aixin (Monster/爱心?)|
|Chin Yee <--not tall|
|Feng Yu(Look at me!)|
|Han Xiong <--HAHAS...Short|
|Jarin Tan <--SHORT!!|
|Jasmine(a bit taller, huh?)|
|Long Siang AKA MSL|
|Qianni (欠你)|
|Qiu Wen (nth 2 say leh...)|
|Xihui AKA 西瓜|
|Xinni<--not tall 2|
|Zhicong the blackie|
4P2 friends
|Alvin Wo(A SJAB guy tt pwn Meng Han|
|Eugene Liong(MY Brother)|
|Hui Yi(o.0 Kiya=NOOB!)|
|Ong Jian Hui(Aussie ass...this sounds so wrong)|
|Ding Xun (once a no. 1)|
Volleyballers BP
|Ong Yong Chee(My senior!)|
S4L 8039 class
|Xin Shen(USS guy xD)|
|Sheng Ying (Falltumn)|
|Agnes Lee (大小姐!)|
|Tay Wei Le (Lelewo~~)|
[[ Credits ]]
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|