today morning assembly dam long...auntie liam talk so much then got wad peer mediator thingy...i think tt JP seriously shud seek help from them...
then skip chinese lor(i wan watch video de T.T)...2nd period geog...then we went all over the place...then saw Mr Chin and the rest of the teachers...they having photoshoot for yearbook...then Mr Chin remind us of the SPA later on...then JP "HUH? Later got SPA AR??"
then Mr Chin" U dunno ar? forget it la(something liddat, lols)"
then recess time played chess with ThanxD(tan han xiong la...) then pwn him 2 times and i stalemate today...then JP keep saying he veri pro...he challenge me...we played 4 games...Guess What?? i win lah...of course,这还用说meh? first 2 games i 4 moves checkmate...then 3rd game my pawn in less than 7 steps promote to queen le...then last game pwn him la...noob...still say ThanxD...then hungwei says tt JP's brain processes things differently...when u call him loser, he thinks he is a winner...ok lor i call JP winner nxt time...xD
Then EL, Ms 书在哪里 came to tell us abt learning journey...then talk abt the attractions and the flyer...(who wan go into same flyer cabin as JP? eww...)...then hungwei (the joker xD) say that JP is the attraction too...then he bacome dam cute...he raised his hands then he acting out tt tourists taking pictures of JP when he come dwn from the's hungwei's actions(sibei cute sia)
ms chew nvr come...on some probation leave of smthng...
Physics SPA was uber simple...
spicing up this post with a joke of the day!
It takes an Indian to understand an Indian .
Samy Vellu was visiting India when he fell and broke his jaw. He was unable to speak. Being the great leader that he is, he continued his grand tour.On the last week of his visit, although unable to speak, Samy insisted on sending a message home to his Cabinet colleagues. Samy caught a chicken and showed it to the camera. Next he took a goat, and showed it to the camera.Finally he took a bag and displayed it in front of the camera. Dr Ling was the first to see the video clip. He said, "Samy is telling us that India has insufficient food because he showed us a chicken and a goat and he wants Malaysia to donate bags of rice." Mahathir watched silently then said,"No lah....what Samy is trying to say is HE IS COMING BACK.The whole Cabinet was puzzled and look to the old man for an explanation. Mahathir reasoned, "AYAM KAMBING BAG." ("I am coming back" in Indian accent).
I rmb something again...last Friday(i think)...after playing a while bbal, shaoyang, weiyi, kuanyao, zijun, junjie and me went to KFC eat...after eating i go wash my hands(i got wash b4 i eat oso, duh) then i find the floor very slippery and oily...then kuanyao says tt it is KFC not KSC...then i asked y...he replied:it is Kentucky Fried Chicken, not Kentucky Steam Chicken...then he laugh himself...最高境界liao...(just like me...sibei HIGH on steroids liddat...
Then outside KFC got Famous Amos...then there got sell birthday chocolate cake...then shaoyang (HoSY) asked junjie if he wan the cake...saying the cake veri nice, but junjie nvr reply, then i looked at the cake then i say:"蛋糕很美,可是没有我美!" (beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder xD)
Then the lady working at the stall bent over and look the me...then we Smile at each other :)...i didnt noe tt the kindness movement (once in a while, give somebody a smile) is quite effective! veri paiseh, i noe...but veri funni...
today's MYE EL SUCKS!!! Fail liao, fail liao, u will hear me say...
today in the morning, went to kunliang AKA LarbCheong house...then we play poker cards(without $, of course) then larbcheong nvr do homework ma...then his mom not too happy then complain us tt we gamble(we didnt T.T) say we affect kunliang...lols...then afternoon, Clinton, WenQi(AKA 小白), Kunliang(AKA Cheapo/moustachio/wadeva-u-call-it), Jeremy OH(my god) and me...then went burgerking...after a while...finish BK liao then we see jeremy not there (he went toilet but didnt tell us) so we took our stuffs and RUN!!! away from him, we ran!!then he call us but we didnt bring HP with us(we didnt rite? xD) then when we rch school, we tot we had shaken him off but he took 300...while the 4 of us walk a distance , therefore he rch the gate same time as us...he dam 不爽lor...lols...then we tried to contain the was reali bad of us(erm...maybe excluding me...i 1st timer got lighter sentence xD) but it was, well, fun! lols
i noe my post veri funni, i try to make it interesting and funni with jokes and stewpit ppl doing stewpit things...(u noe who u r...ur brain is in ur @55) and i wun stalk JP...y wud i do such a thing...waste my time onli sia...i onli post things he do)
I m GAY!!(the older meaning, of course)
Finally...i rmb what i wanted to post...
On Thursday i was on my way to school...then nid take bus i waited, then there was no ppl as i just missed the i wait lor...then wait so long then next bus came...thee wait so long, there is a lot of ppl waiting too...then i was trying to get on the bus, then a lot of impatient ppl...they just shoved me off...(F*** sia)...then i dam 不爽...but i being the extremely kind Singaporean...(perhaps thx to Singapore Kindness Movement? I've always been kind xD)...but i nvr gave the ppl the BLACK FACE...i no expression de...just a bit disappointed(coz i got poker face...xD) then rch school quite late le(but luckily not too late). Then, i meant Meng Han told me tt if he was me, he wud push everybody aside using his bag and get himself onto the bus...but i not so evil mah...
Then coincidentally, at night got 女王本色...then talking abt queueing up for transport...then they show the UGLY SIDE of MOST SINGAPOREANS(man, do i love the show)maybe we shud put the ppl into 猪笼 when they do something wrong xD...the show veri funny, got 1 tall and skinny bamboo then got 1 cheekoon look-a-like(sry is a 比喻), wad Paris and Milan...but it is still funny...(i pity the tourist...he dam suay de...Man, I Love Singapore!)
Then miraculously next day ppl seem to queue for MRTs...a bit of improvement ^^
wonder if it that the show is a success...
the last thing...Felicia Chin with short hair in "The Ultimatum" looks dam manly...xD
(feed my ego)
Hi ppl! i noe that u all hav been waiting for this post! so i m here to entertain u ppl...
lets start from the beginning of the week...on monday and tuesday like nth much de...
but i rmb that on one of the days, after chinese is Ms Tay's lesson then JP keep irritating Mr Phang then soon Ms Tay reached AVA then JP, at that moment, was irritating Mr Phang till he cannot stand it then he ask Ms Tay
"U can stand this guy ar?"
Ms Tay replied" WHO?"
Then at first i tot Ms Tay dunno we talking abt so Mr Phang ask again...
Then Ms Tay keep saying "WHO? WHO?"
then Mr Phang seems to get it le then he also sang into chorus"WHO? WHO?" lols! funny sia
then on chin ask JP set up his laptop...then JP keep giving excuses like wad the MMR ppl ask Mr Chin to go change the cable personally then JP says tt Mr Chin's cable sux...then cannot set Mr Chin gave the *sianz* look(as meant all teachers will gave to JP). I laugh then tell Mr Chin that JP giving excuses then Mr Chin replied"lazy ppl are liddat de" Then we both laughed...lols
on Thursday got more things...thursday no PE then i was playing chess...then JP come disturb so i play with him 1 match lor...who noes...he SO PRO...PRO until i win him in 4steps...Pro rite?(refering to me of course!)
After tt is Read Period...then principal Mr Lee came to our class to give a presentation on his favourite subjet...i tot wad then in the end is abt the 'O's...then he ask class chairman-Alicia how is our class...then she replied by saying that the class is very united except for some ppl...then Mr Lee seem to miss out the part then he was surprised and asked again...then Alicia, being the nice guy, didnt say anything truthful liao(WOW! i used a Ms Lee just teach de xD) Mr Lee veri nice...give us ferrero rocher(spelt correctly?) not like Ms Lee...onli give us when we get PSA(Perfect score award)...stingy sia...lols, jk.
during geog...JP keep disturbing me and Birdy...ask us abt Geog file...wad an @55hole...(m i being too harsh? as Ms Lee told us..."Sticks and stones can't hurt my bones. Onli words can hurt my bones"(in this case is JP's bones))
today during Emaths...JP asked stewpit questions...then Mrs Poh gave tt *sianz* look to JP (as usual)
then recess playing chess with ThanxD(i give him alot of chance...coz he keep misplay then i let him undo when his queen dies)...then HoSY came and help him...zzz...but in the end Stalemate xD(i didnt lose...hahas HoSY!!!)
then after recess is AMaths...then Mr Tai finish teaching the syllabus! Thx God!( y m i thanking myself?). Then JP, like any other day, ask "CLEVER" questions... then Mr Tai talking abt the AMaths 10yr series then JP ask Mr Tai print it out...(no brains sia...later infringe copyright) then Mr Tai respond by saying tt it is illegal and Mr Tai points a finger to his head(brain) and look at JP...then a few of us follow suit...lols...then JP wan defend himself then say we no brain...and he just joking...then he points to his head(SHIT) and ah-ah ppl...then i commented that he point wrongly...he shud point at his butt (coz it's where his brain really is...this explains y he got full moon-big butt. then Birdy dropped his paper and his paper float to me then i was like "huh?" then when he told me and i turned around, i accidentally hit Mr Tai's head. Sorry Mr Tai!! accidentally...i hope that he is still as smart as ever...probably smarter(in this case u must thank me liao)
Still thinking tt i miss a lot of Funny stuffs...sry ppl, but u can remind me abt wad to post though...
2 jokes to share with u ppl
Q: 刘德华 went into a pub and he ask the waiter to give him a drink. What is the name of the waiter...(clue: something gotta do with his song...btw i got this Qn correct.)
2nd Q: There is a race between Superman and Batman. Who will win?
1st Ans: Ah-ha...(coz got 1 song is like this" Ah-ha, 给我一杯忘情水") XD
2nd Ans: Superman will win...bcoz when Batman Begins, Superman Returns's all for now...
i got a poker face...XD
And btw...for the name to be put on the class-tee, put mine as "Mathspro™" ty...
JP has no frenz...last time i was having a conversation with mr tai while on my way to school...(with clinton too)...then we were talking abt the Virus(u noe which 1) and that he have no frenz de...
then got 1 day in class...during amaths...dunno wad happened but jason ask mr tai abt his handphone...then mr tai answer that he no handphone, onli got housephone, so nid anything can call his housephone..then JP like veri shocked liddat...said" HUH?! U NO HANDPHONE AR MR TAI?" Then Mr Tai said he dunnid handphone de...nid handphone for wad...then i (the joker...joker in batman is dam cool) laugh at jason say u use handphone call ur parents onli friends...then i also talked abt MSN...then i said that JP MSN got no contacts...except himself...he cre8 2 acc then he log in to both acc then 自言自语...lols...Sad lor...
I feel that this clip reflects JP's inner feelings(does he even have)
u ppl shud hav heard this was on tv last time...
How to noe if u win JP in an argument?
Here's how:
1. He will start to repeat his words.
2. He will start to swear and curse at you (coz he is a LOSER mah)
3. He will threaten to fight u (tt virus onli noe how 2 talk and when ppl realli wan fight him outside school(they kidding de lah, of course) JP will say ppl humji, dun dare fight in school...but the truth is that he no b@lls, lols)
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there...
i didnt say this to my mom...later she turn green...xD (with envy of course!) meant Virus...U SUCK, xD
tuesday or smthng we were having SS lesson...then ms tay teach till venice chapter... Then...the SMARTEST GUY in our class( sense my tone) asked so PROUDLY "wouldnt the horses b dead by then?" trust him 2 say that...cmon la JP...bronze horses are MADE UP OF BRONZE!!! They were NEVER ALIVE so how they die?? Go home la u piece of *u noe wad* then he dun dare admit his own mistake then say he purposely say that to entertain us...stop bluffing u blatant liar! Then nxt got EL back compo then nid do corrections *sianz* Then JP do his corrections halfway then come disturb malcolm hanxiong junyong and me(we sitting in a row). he ask hanxiong then hanxiong dao him then he go ask malcolm...his sentence was something along the lines like" After much deliberation, i have come up with...blah blah..." then ms lee circled the 'i'. he is realli dunno or he is he just plain retarded, i wonder...he keep asking us...u irritating son of ****(omg, i m so vulgar...must control myself). JP, seriously, go home la...dun bother to study...primary school kids noe this yet u still dunno...zzz y do i feel that i m talking abt the virus in most of my blog post huh?(u noe the virus) Haiz...JP ah JP well, for me...CT=GG SIGNING OFF
then halfway she show us thisThen ms tay explained y the neck got the ring...becoz the horses too heavy liao to carry in a boat(or smthng) then nid to cut off the ehad to transport it...but when soldering the heads back there was a scar(so not veri nice rite) therefore put the ring lor(which wasnt there originally)
Then something realli NICE happened 2day...during amaths lesson mr tai was teaching but birdy and i was not in the class...coz we went to check with mr phang if there is any timed prac 2day(sadly there wasnt any)...then when we rched back 2 tai just nice started teaching...then he explained something so simple like "integral of tan x"...then JP keep asking and asking y is it same as "integral of sinx/cosx" and he keep asking crappy questions...then mr tai look at me then we smile (sinisterly, that is)(mr tai and i got a lot of secrets xD). then i urged mr tai to continue the lesson proper(i do sound like mr chin, huh?) then he explained the nxt qn then JP ask tai oso dunno what is he talking abt...then mr tai said " Jason Phuah...(aw blogpost is polluted coz i spelt out the full name) u stop talking and keep quiet lah...what u say is NONSENSE!" WOOTS!! Mr Tai said it out. he said it out!(repetition...go study Elit and u shud noe y i repeat it) he has finally rch a point where he can stand JP no longer!!(must b too much influence from me coz on most mornings while on the way to school, we talked a lot abt JP and i psycho him till he become like me lidday, straightforward that is)!!
(i m so evil XD)
(therefore i love myself xD)
Happy Labour day...and hi SHAKER!! S4L 8039 ROCKS! Miss all of u's almost a year le...any gatherings?
My relatives came from Malaysia to visit me...(rare sia)
coz i promised to let them see Shi Zhi (means Lion)
but i 斯纸(tear paper) lols...
2day morning went to play tennis, badminton wif Terrence and Weile!
and oso got Jason Ang, Weijie AKA Bork, BIRDY and Hanjun the 姑娘!
Birdy hit tennis ball fly over tennis court till carpark...then we have to go find it coz onli 1 ball mah...haiz...Birdy got Super Strength Sia (<---Alliteration xD)
oso plae bball with a ex-6C and others...
Michelle Lee...你射球很准hor...
Next monday is CT le...nid to study liao...
For MT prelims...Mr Phang said i did veri badly...(sure anot? i ChinesePro™ leh...xD, i so ego)
He said some ppl do 继续文 then i act hero b joker go say i do...then he scold me...xD...say wad i get 27.5/50...thats a C5 omg...c'mon la...i think he nvr realli see the paper but he heard that got ppl do 继续问 then he say i get C5...he wan scold me sia(he actually did it le)...
Hopefully he onli anyhow say...and is not that he ACTUALLY SAW the marks...wth,C5...
i nvr 放下till so low score de...haiz...i guess i let nature takes its own course bah...(but i believe that i can change it)
JJ rox...he gives ppl hope and motivation
(teofeily...u cant aim...haiz)
Nicks:Mathspro™, Mathsprince™ (anything with pro or Maths)
Skool:Geniuses dun go to school!
Read this Intro
They call me Mathspro™
I have lived for Many years
My Favourite Thing Is Friends
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered by the way i like to make ppl laugh
I love my Self the most
Tag before you leave
The One and ONLY Mathspro™ in Singapore, Malaysia and some-say Batam and the World...Sheez, am i getting too thick-skinned?
I hate people who act like they know something when they actually dun...(CCK i'm talking abt u...xD)
Man! i am BLOODY EVIL *sinister laugh* i mock ppl who r shorter than sad Chee Koon xD
Dun order me around...u FOOLS!
What is FEAR?
Or it can be...
Therefore i m unafraid of FEAR...coz they are something that exists only in my is false
Thx Brent Williams
U changed my life
Proud member of MindChamps class S4L 8039!!! Daniel Chiam rox
<3 MindChamps
Coz the people touch me in more ways than one( sounds so wrong)
C'mon ppl, SPAM my tagboard.
I am GamersGuide...the very pro mage (in Rakion) ya xD...actually is average, is u guys out there noob! and my cells pro...xD
[[ My Adores ]]
Drinks:Everything too...almost...
People:Likes to be alone
[[ My Detests ]]
People:JP Jp and more JP
Things:JP JP and still more JP
Food:Can't think of any - Free IQ Test
[[ Music's Playing ]]
[[ My History ]]
|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|December 2010|January 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|August 2011|January 2012
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Friends ]]
Class Blog 3P2/4P2
|Teo Wen Fei(TWF)|
|Benjamin Wong(some1 who loves TWF)|
205 LOLers '07
|Agnes (haha short...opps sry)|
|Aixin (Monster/爱心?)|
|Chin Yee <--not tall|
|Feng Yu(Look at me!)|
|Han Xiong <--HAHAS...Short|
|Jarin Tan <--SHORT!!|
|Jasmine(a bit taller, huh?)|
|Long Siang AKA MSL|
|Qianni (欠你)|
|Qiu Wen (nth 2 say leh...)|
|Xihui AKA 西瓜|
|Xinni<--not tall 2|
|Zhicong the blackie|
4P2 friends
|Alvin Wo(A SJAB guy tt pwn Meng Han|
|Eugene Liong(MY Brother)|
|Hui Yi(o.0 Kiya=NOOB!)|
|Ong Jian Hui(Aussie ass...this sounds so wrong)|
|Ding Xun (once a no. 1)|
Volleyballers BP
|Ong Yong Chee(My senior!)|
S4L 8039 class
|Xin Shen(USS guy xD)|
|Sheng Ying (Falltumn)|
|Agnes Lee (大小姐!)|
|Tay Wei Le (Lelewo~~)|
[[ Credits ]]
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|