After first week of the term...i have something to blog abt...finally...
something quite funny happened at was the end of recess and thus we were supposed to go down to gather...but a group of us went to the 3rd floor toilet to hide. then we saw the janitor but she didnt say anything...soon, i went out to drink water(water cooler just outside toilet) then when i stepped out of the toilet i almost got tripped by the dustpan and broom outside the door...then the dustpan got a lot of rubbish...then the rubbish rolled out...not long after, while i was drinking from the bloody small water current water cooler, the janitor came out and cursed "WHICH IDIOT DID THIS?" WA! she trying to badmouth the 'evil' guy and talk bad abt the person sia...then i replied slowly..."Speaking...sorry..." then i looked at her then she dun dare look at me...she scared sia...coz she wan talk behind my back(which in a sense she back was facing her) but she didnt expect me to be just there xD...i feel so bad...then got 1 girl heard it sia...then she laugh...nvm...laugh then laugh lor...i laugh at myself too xD
then Thursday was NAPFA 2.4km run...running with 4T1...that means Weile and Terrence!
4T1 starting of the race already chiong liao sia...then they maybe start to fast then they soon got tired...2.4 was like longer than our practice runs and it was tiring...BUT the MOST AMAZING THING IS THAT JP WAS DIRECTLY BEHIND ME (IN TERMS OF POSITION)!!! WTF OMFG rite?? then i timed myself and i ran like 11.30min then JP dam 不要脸 lor...say he ran very fast and say he run 10min...DREAM ON behind me still say run 10min+ ...GO EAT SHIT!(opps sry...i m too agitated)...also say that he gave all of u ppl chance during PE and now he pwn all of ur 455. 1 thing for sure...JP sure run fast that day...maybe i shuld request the teachers to check if ppl got take Viagra...if not like JP that day run so fast...nvm...he go home liao then 'there' sure very pain de...coz he took so much of the forbidden pill xD...
Soh Jan, u lost...AGAIN! MUAHAHAHA!!!
Another thing is that after that we went back class for reading period...then got 1 indian lady that looks like saraswati sec2 Geog cher...she dun like ppl to laugh 1...evil *sinister laughter*
After reading was recess again...then at the end of recess we were loitering at the 3rd storey toilet again...then suddenly hungwei and i saw MANAF(spelling unsure)! then we all run to toilet to hide and inform the other boys...then we all went to the Service Duct of the toilet to hide...xD ...then in the end it turns out that MANAF was just using the stairs and probably didnt see us xD...if he did then we r DEAD MEAT! 1 commerable thing...the Service Duct of the toilet is HUGE indeed...
1 guy to comment abt:and he is Lucky ...Ho Shao Yang AKA Hosie...xD nice name rite...Thx for the 3bucks...i am lucky sia flop already have a straight le xD...(Being lame here)
Your general IQ score is 185.
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 161 and above is considered to be a "genius".
For example, your Pattern Recognition score is 100.
Beat my score...
only your 1st try is counted...
SO BORING! my maths is getting worse...(but better than many losers out there xD...jkjk relax) what? nothing to do homework so boring sia...
MT nid to do wad vid competition thing...haiz...hammy and cck wun do a shit one lor...only contribute EYE-POWER...zzz. BLOODY HELL!!
opps sry...i covered my mouth...
the day is nearing...yet i am doing nth abt it XD, its like D-Day
once motivation sia...
What a chore!
cant believe it...i'm still playing Rakion...WTF rite!?!? (<---interrobangs)
its abt time to think as to have no regrets...
this holiday got so little homework...or is it few? Who cares...the less the better xD
back to emoing
no one cares...well, i dun anyway
Holidays what?
Nth to do...except for revision and probably homework...haiz :(
so emo...
My life SUCKS BIG TIME...haiz
Haiz...feeling down lately...dunno y...dun ask...dun bother trying
Last Friday was Sports class played VBALL!! and this year there was no Vlee...xD
Sad to say...our team cheated...well, a bit...eventually Eclipse(4p2) lost to 4m2...saded(wonder if there is such a word)...zz clinton...still say ur class very lousy...lousy till get 1st...nvm, 2nd is good enuf...better than nth...could b better actually...but its all JP's fault...nah, maybe i shuldn't blame it on JP...
Can't believe it! Exams are nearing and i am still dilly-dally...a HUGE sense of Emptiness in, i nid some motivation! wonder how...
i actually thought that i played well that day...ever since i have been inactive in my CCA for like close to 1year, 9months actually...all because of my MindChamps course...then i have been pon-ning training...but since i grew taller, i obviously played better, agree?
Haiz...i miss my fellow MindChamps Graduates from S4L 8039, wonder how they are to SHAKER recently!! he made a vid with his new JC frens...hahas...wonder if he still shake a lot xD(evil me...hahas, we will remember u shake often! y m i still teasing him...OMFG!)
Saturdays without MindChamps courses are like really boring...and with the upcoming exams summore...and i m a BLOODY SLACKER...xD, i admit...what to do...i am doing lots of things that i shudn't playing at such a critical year/period...wonder if i can score well...and not flunk it...ppl all wish me to do well...cant let them down...especially my family...
after so much still like not motivated leh...haiz...back to my usual and lonely self...
Yesterday was family day...went to WWW and Escape...
1 word...erm, maybe 2 words...EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING!!!
i dun see the 360degrees thingy...and i have an extra ticket...haiz...y she nvr go...xD...y i still so crappy? nvm...
not feeling too well lately...must b that i m crazy..taking too much chilly and sour stuffs...more than what an average pregnant woman crave for...getting really weird...must be the influence of a senior of mine...
Guess who i saw yesterday??? i saw Shawn...the one who acts in I Not Stupid and I Not Stupid Too...he was wearing Army uniform and he has his head shove...that means that he is BOTAK!! or bald...he just doesnt seem as handsome as b4...maybe he nvr was XD!!!
wow...2day Mrs Poh praise me sia...say i very quiet...*BLUSHING*
then tengchin tio scolded...hahas...nth much to post now...anyway gtg so.........(ELLIPSIS-ES, meaning too many dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot)
I am rather active nowadays huh?
going Escape tmr and WWW (mind u, its not world wide web...LOSERS!!!)
feeling bored...exams are it is really tiring and troublesome...
Self-motivation post and blog huh? A refreshed blog and a refreshed me! Wake up, it's time!! hoping there will be no regrets...anyway there wun b...xD
have been emoing lately...too boring le wad...nid smthng to spice up my life...
so i went to career fair...then there got a banker dealing cards, i joined the blackjack game...
started with 2 tokens and i noticed that blackjack is only worth 1.5x ur bet...
starting with a bare minimum of 2 then i rose through all and ended up with the first person at the table to achieve other colours such as blue and red...i am too lucky? opps, i meant am i too lucky? I am the biggest winner with a GRAND TOTAL of 65 TOKENS!!! i am the GOD OF BLACKJACK!!赌神...somehow i hate myself to be associated with gambling...the banker like dam sianz liddat...see me blackjack then shake his head...lols!!! was just rly lucky and i saw a couple in black at the MRT station near my house...WA! it was then i realised who they were...coz i emo wad then nvr see them till they call me...sry but thats all i can say, not going to foil their plans/date...
dun say i veri 婆妈 coz i m not!! zzz
wan to noe who the couples are? come ask me lor...wait till i no longer emo lors...
Sorry yesterday to the girl for whose face i had kicked, accidentally...
the following is removed from class blog and transferred to my blog xD
Now for the Bird offence rly, no offence...sry HD!!!
Chatting with HD abt CSH AKA BIRDY!
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
roger let me ask u a question
do u like shao heng
Mathspro™ Federation says:
ok la
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
sometimes yes sometimes no
he veri 酸 sia
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
he score better then me then come GL me and suan me
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
i dont like him at all
Mathspro™ Federation says:
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
4 years le
vball too
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
how u dun lik him
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
sh, keep bloody following me during sec 3
Mathspro™ Federation says:
how he irritates u?
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
sibei irritating
i slow down
he slow down
then i chiong
he chiong
now a little better
cause there's bing cai
Mathspro™ Federation says:
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
u ask bc
Mathspro™ Federation says:
how bc help u?
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
shao heng stick to bc and aylward now
Mathspro™ Federation says:
chase the ostrich away?
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
so he is the bird food?
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
coz birdy keep folo bc and xiaobing wad
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
i just dont like him at all
Mathspro™ Federation says:
sh nxt prey
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
u sit w/ him 1 year u will know
Mathspro™ Federation says:
sit wif him last year b4
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
fk my life out
Mathspro™ Federation says:
so he is a screw??
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
so his big bird gets dam irrtating and he keeps disturbing $7 too?
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
u ask aylward and bc
they say
they sat beside sh during ct
then sh keep mentioning $7
i still rmb forming abc
Mathspro™ Federation says:
wad u mean?
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
anti bird corperation
Mathspro™ Federation says:
coz cool name sia
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
the poacher group
Wait till CCA stand down. I'm going to chase up with everyone! says:
Mathspro™ Federation says:
shoot dwn that bird sianz sia...finally move back to level 2 le...
CT wasnt up to my expectations...but nvm i will pwn all ur asses the next time...well, cya!
Nicks:Mathspro™, Mathsprince™ (anything with pro or Maths)
Skool:Geniuses dun go to school!
Read this Intro
They call me Mathspro™
I have lived for Many years
My Favourite Thing Is Friends
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered by the way i like to make ppl laugh
I love my Self the most
Tag before you leave
The One and ONLY Mathspro™ in Singapore, Malaysia and some-say Batam and the World...Sheez, am i getting too thick-skinned?
I hate people who act like they know something when they actually dun...(CCK i'm talking abt u...xD)
Man! i am BLOODY EVIL *sinister laugh* i mock ppl who r shorter than sad Chee Koon xD
Dun order me around...u FOOLS!
What is FEAR?
Or it can be...
Therefore i m unafraid of FEAR...coz they are something that exists only in my is false
Thx Brent Williams
U changed my life
Proud member of MindChamps class S4L 8039!!! Daniel Chiam rox
<3 MindChamps
Coz the people touch me in more ways than one( sounds so wrong)
C'mon ppl, SPAM my tagboard.
I am GamersGuide...the very pro mage (in Rakion) ya xD...actually is average, is u guys out there noob! and my cells pro...xD
[[ My Adores ]]
Drinks:Everything too...almost...
People:Likes to be alone
[[ My Detests ]]
People:JP Jp and more JP
Things:JP JP and still more JP
Food:Can't think of any - Free IQ Test
[[ Music's Playing ]]
[[ My History ]]
|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|December 2010|January 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|August 2011|January 2012
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Friends ]]
Class Blog 3P2/4P2
|Teo Wen Fei(TWF)|
|Benjamin Wong(some1 who loves TWF)|
205 LOLers '07
|Agnes (haha short...opps sry)|
|Aixin (Monster/爱心?)|
|Chin Yee <--not tall|
|Feng Yu(Look at me!)|
|Han Xiong <--HAHAS...Short|
|Jarin Tan <--SHORT!!|
|Jasmine(a bit taller, huh?)|
|Long Siang AKA MSL|
|Qianni (欠你)|
|Qiu Wen (nth 2 say leh...)|
|Xihui AKA 西瓜|
|Xinni<--not tall 2|
|Zhicong the blackie|
4P2 friends
|Alvin Wo(A SJAB guy tt pwn Meng Han|
|Eugene Liong(MY Brother)|
|Hui Yi(o.0 Kiya=NOOB!)|
|Ong Jian Hui(Aussie ass...this sounds so wrong)|
|Ding Xun (once a no. 1)|
Volleyballers BP
|Ong Yong Chee(My senior!)|
S4L 8039 class
|Xin Shen(USS guy xD)|
|Sheng Ying (Falltumn)|
|Agnes Lee (大小姐!)|
|Tay Wei Le (Lelewo~~)|
[[ Credits ]]
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|