Last Friday i went for class BBQ near Jian Hui's house somewhere at Concord Primary School...i went with 大鸟...then when i met with BIRDY at Lot 1, we walked pass Jason Phuah, then suddenly JP called BIRDY...then BIRDY told JP that he is on his way to Lot 1...JP callde BIRDY 3 times in total...their conversation was DAMN FUNNY!...then Shao Heng aclled Xue Juan...XJ cant differentiate Cold Storage from NTUC FairPrice and 2nd storey from other storey...
On the way to BBQ, we take Bus 300...we were not queueing up , then the bus came... the group of us are standing beside waiting for all those queueing up to get in to the bus first...i meant, we are not queueing up so we shuld be the last few to get into the bus...we all know that... but when the bus door opens, Xue Juan and her friend walked into the bus easily or fluently...dunno how to say, like they DID QUEUE up liddat...makes the group of us want to laugh...then Xue Juan and her friend dunno what's going on...well, nvm...reaching...
While posting this post...LYSAH from my OBS WATCH BARKER raed my previous post and saw that she was a slicer...she of course not happy lah...she come MSN tick me off...have i known this would happen, i would (,not removed it from my post lah...) not add her in MSN...juz kidding...later she come see again...girls are liddat...a little bit oso angry...SHIT! later all the girls come bash me up...sorry LYSAH if i make u cry...
I learn a few quotable quotes...
Hereos: Wrong place, Right time
quite true rite...appear at the place where there is disaster but always at the right time...
The diffence between a man shopping and a female who goes shopping...
Man: They will do their homework(not literally homework of course!) before going out and they will buy what they want and quickly get back home...
Female: they will have no plans on what to buy but when they go out, they will buy A LOT!
So when u all go orchard road, you can see the benches are mostly occupied by man...that's what my trainer Daniel Chiam says
Love me, Love my dog...dunno what it means but it is funny...
Nothing much to do
Saw some really funny videos...
Japanese Game Show which contestants will watch a video of someone learning English. Those who laugh will be punished.
Now for TaiWan BeatBoxing Champions
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
After more than a month of emoing, i have came back to post! for the past month, i am very busy and also very lazy...
As many of you know, our school (not telling out, to prevent my identity from being revealed) organise for us (secondary * u should know) an OBS stands for Outward Bound Singapore...many people said that it was Out-Of-Bounds Schools...wonder where they heard it...if it is out-of-bounds, will we be able to be let in? some people just have empty heads!
My 5-day OBS course was REALLY FUN but TIRING!!!
I met many people and made many friends...and the best part of OBS for me was the Day 4 kayaking team instructor is Nadia (not the chronicles of NARNIA, once i called her Narnia and she didnt seem too happy...) My watch is BARKER...yea, just like a dog, but BARKER is a lawyer, and 2 other very high professions, but the 14 BARKER members made the watch name sounds like an animal, which made Nadia laugh (she seldom laugh). My buddy watch is Marshall, i think it is David Marshall that person...their instructor is Ahmad (i think spelt correctly)...their instructor is a nice guy and he is also an ex-BPian...and he always cheer the BP cheer with us (opps, i revealed my careless of me)...and once we went trekking...then when we FINALLY reach the campsite, the one with no roof and no toilets , yea that horrible place we pitched our tents and got ready to cook...then the two instructos tell us our sea adventure plan... then we did night sentry wasnt scary, but it was funny...the instructos shared 1 tent(i suppose) and they are of opposite sex...i thought that OBS has always state a clear line between opposite sexes sharing the same tent, but the two instructors slept in the same tent...they will have to write down an essay of their actions by the watchful eyes of many...
This is the rough plan of my OBS journey...
Day 1: Meet new friends and instructors and learn about BELAY...started off at Camp 1...the Resort Camp!!!
Day 2: Learnt how to kayak and there must be a mixture of boys and girls in the tri-yak...prepare and plan the routes for the next day land expedition...i plot all the points and did the planning lah ...of course...someone so smart like me...
Day 3: In the morning we went to the Belay stations and we did something called the scary...2 people standing on 1 line each and there are no other lines to hold on to, only your partner's hands...not many people made it partner and i made it the 3rd furthest...furthest was XueYun and ShiHui...sadly Peh JiaWen Day 1 already not feeling well, so he went back to Singapore on Day 2...lucky him, he slept in the medical centre, which was air-conditioned...maybe he purposely fall sick so as to save XueYun from embarassment as people mock at them...JiaWen is so 伟大...must learn from him...
Soon, in the afternoon we went for the land expedition...after the second point, we got stuck...we were lost in the jungle for more than 2 hours...and people were erally getting frustrated...i kissed more than 20+ spiderwebs as i walked i front trying to find a way out...the disgusting jungle is surrounded by waters, so it is not easy... but eventually we managed to find the exit, thanks to GuangWei, Nadia and of course ME... took 6 hours to reach destination...and i slept on the groud for about was just too tired...
Day 4: this is the best and worst day...of OBS...kayaking is indeed a fun thing to do...but on the same boat with a girl who uses the oars to hit people's heads, poke peoples back and belly and being so bossy and slicing water and so slack...and she keeps asking people to PADDLE...the other boy in the same kayak as me is weiqin...we paddle like crazy and she sits there slicing water...when we stop for a rest she ask us to paddle...WTF!!! she very pro lor...hope she dun see this...or i will be dead meat, not mentioning name(s)...but it was fun and tiring...
i also had Jetty Jump...not very scary...compared to was good, but i swallowed lots of sea water and my voice went horse...erm, i meant hoarse...Pulau Ubin OBS no horses...only got people who are HOARSE...get this right...
Day 5: So Happy Yet so SAD...happy to be back at home, sad to leave so many people...but i think in my watch i left the best impression to Nadia... and to everyone else, because of my bravery! my courage! my wits! my wisdom! my humongous appetite for food! my jokes! my intelligence! my adaptibility! and many the last day, Nadia smiled a lot ...and it rocks the whole of Pulau Ubin...she seldom smile, i told you already, we got a tiff from here at Day 4 night...
That marks the end of my OBS journey , BUT just the BEGINNING of life...i'll remember this, NAD (instructor's nickname) see, i learnt so much from this journey, while some people just did not learn anything...and some people like HungWei so humji dun dare go...
Mathspro is back to blogging as i know many people misses me especially it is a month of holidays, going for class BBQ later at JianHui's house...
Nicks:Mathspro™, Mathsprince™ (anything with pro or Maths)
Skool:Geniuses dun go to school!
Read this Intro
They call me Mathspro™
I have lived for Many years
My Favourite Thing Is Friends
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered by the way i like to make ppl laugh
I love my Self the most
Tag before you leave
The One and ONLY Mathspro™ in Singapore, Malaysia and some-say Batam and the World...Sheez, am i getting too thick-skinned?
I hate people who act like they know something when they actually dun...(CCK i'm talking abt u...xD)
Man! i am BLOODY EVIL *sinister laugh* i mock ppl who r shorter than sad Chee Koon xD
Dun order me around...u FOOLS!
What is FEAR?
Or it can be...
Therefore i m unafraid of FEAR...coz they are something that exists only in my is false
Thx Brent Williams
U changed my life
Proud member of MindChamps class S4L 8039!!! Daniel Chiam rox
<3 MindChamps
Coz the people touch me in more ways than one( sounds so wrong)
C'mon ppl, SPAM my tagboard.
I am GamersGuide...the very pro mage (in Rakion) ya xD...actually is average, is u guys out there noob! and my cells pro...xD
[[ My Adores ]]
Drinks:Everything too...almost...
People:Likes to be alone
[[ My Detests ]]
People:JP Jp and more JP
Things:JP JP and still more JP
Food:Can't think of any - Free IQ Test
[[ Music's Playing ]]
[[ My History ]]
|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|December 2010|January 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|August 2011|January 2012
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Friends ]]
Class Blog 3P2/4P2
|Teo Wen Fei(TWF)|
|Benjamin Wong(some1 who loves TWF)|
205 LOLers '07
|Agnes (haha short...opps sry)|
|Aixin (Monster/爱心?)|
|Chin Yee <--not tall|
|Feng Yu(Look at me!)|
|Han Xiong <--HAHAS...Short|
|Jarin Tan <--SHORT!!|
|Jasmine(a bit taller, huh?)|
|Long Siang AKA MSL|
|Qianni (欠你)|
|Qiu Wen (nth 2 say leh...)|
|Xihui AKA 西瓜|
|Xinni<--not tall 2|
|Zhicong the blackie|
4P2 friends
|Alvin Wo(A SJAB guy tt pwn Meng Han|
|Eugene Liong(MY Brother)|
|Hui Yi(o.0 Kiya=NOOB!)|
|Ong Jian Hui(Aussie ass...this sounds so wrong)|
|Ding Xun (once a no. 1)|
Volleyballers BP
|Ong Yong Chee(My senior!)|
S4L 8039 class
|Xin Shen(USS guy xD)|
|Sheng Ying (Falltumn)|
|Agnes Lee (大小姐!)|
|Tay Wei Le (Lelewo~~)|
[[ Credits ]]
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|