I do not know why but i just feel like posting many things today...me, a lin jun jie fan...want to share 2 songs...1 is titled "明天"...while another one is special as it has an Bangle...erm, okay i meant an Indian in the song...quite funny! and the song name is funny 听不懂没关系
Today is Mathspro's Video Day (MVD)
And now, the A-BU-NEI-NEI song!!!
Go On, LAUGH all you want...
Part 1 of BATTLE
Part 2 of BATTLE
Part 3 of BATTLE
Part 4 of BATTLE
I guess that's enough for MVD...and enough of JJ...lols
Please read and note it for PRECAUTIONARY STEPS FW: Defence against ATM robbery The following information is to be sure that you do not miss out on something that everyone must know. Because the alert was issued by CISCO, I am assuming> that it's universal. *Interesting thing to know....* PIN NUMBER REVERSAL (GOOD TO KNOW) If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw> money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321. The ATM recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you placed in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to The robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you. *Please pass this along to everyone possible.*
TO ALL FREQUENT TRAVELLERS..... Hi friends, It is the year-end, which is one of the peak traveling periods for many Singaporeans. This is a true account that I would like to share as a cautionary tale. I have changed the names of people involved to protect their identities. Although it takes place on an overseas vacation, the warning applies equally whether abroad or at home. Jessie was in her early thirties and like many of us loved to travel and her last trip was to Thailand . While visiting one of the tourist attractions in Thailand located near a temple, she decided to get a souvenir for herself. She walked along the shops with curious eyes. A well-dressed sales man managed to catch her attention. He asked her what year she was born. She answered politely. He further pursued to ask her the month she was born. "June,"she replied. As she answered, there was a sparkle in the man's eye. He quickly pulled out an item and put it in Jessie's hand and she looked at it closely. It was a small-sculpted stone, but Jessie could not make out what the Item was. The man, with a serious tone told her that this small ornament was a very powerful item that could grant all her wishes, but she was not to tell anybody, not even her closest friends, boyfriend or parents that she had this ornament in her possession. He informed her to bring this item wherever she went and not to allow anybody to touch it. Jessie was thrilled and thought she had stumbled upon a great deal as the item seemed very precious. She asked for the price and paid for the item. Vacations like always were too short and she returned to Singapore . On The day that she returned, she felt very exhausted as if the life was Draining out of her. She thought that it was due to the traveling and excitement and did not bother too much about it. She went to take a nap and as she rested, she started to feel an ache in her stomach that grew into a continuous sharp pain. By nightfall, the suffering was so intense that she went hysterical. She crawled to the altar in her home and started to hit her head against the altar. Her parents were shocked with her actions. Her father held her tightly, to prevent her injuring herself while her mother called for an ambulance. Strangely enough, in the midst of all the pain and before she left with the ambulance, Jessie insisted that she had to bring along her handbag before leaving for the hospital. When she was sent to the hospital, it was already dawn and she was sent for different tests and scans to determine the cause of her pain. The sharp pain persisted and even got more intense. Her Aunt Maggie heard the news that she was hospitalized and Came to visit her. While Aunt Maggie was with her, Jessie thought about Letting her employers know of her condition and hoped Aunt Maggie could contact them on her behalf. She took out her handbag and pulled out a pen to write the number on a piece of paper. As she pulled out the pen, the small ornament, which Jessie had bought from Thailand , dropped on the floor. Aunt Maggie wanted to pick it up but Jessie stopped her. She said if Aunt Maggie were to touch it, she would have to have it cleansed. While Jessie was not looking, Aunt Maggie quickly picked the ornament up and kept it. When Aunt Maggie was out in the hallway, she scrutinized it. The ornament sent shivers down Her spine and she was very uncomfortable with the item so she decided to talk to Jessie's mother. On the third day, the doctors informed Jessie's parents that they had confirmed that Jessie suffered from stomach cancer that had reached the terminal stage and they had to prepare for the worst. Jessie's parents were not able to understand this sudden diagnosis, as Jessie had not had any symptoms of stomach cancer. When Aunt Maggie went to the hospital and met with Jessie's mother, Jessie's mother broke the news to Aunt Maggie. Aunt Maggie was shocked and also shared her discovery of the ornament with Jessie > 's mother. Jessie's mother also had an uneasy feeling when she saw the ornament. She felt very lost and desperate about her daughter's situation. Jessie's mother and Aunt Maggie both knew of a medium; Master Lim and it struck both of them that he might shed some light as to the events. Aunt Maggie quickly called to arrange to meet Master Lim. When they visited Master Lim, they showed the ornament to Master Lim. At one glance, he told them that Jessie's life had been swapped with that of another girl who was probably suffering from stomach cancer and was dying. The ornament was an object to hold black magic, which would suck the life out of Jessie. Both Jessie's mother and Aunt Maggie queried whether there was anything that could be done. He replied that it was too late as the black magic cast was very powerful and the ornament had been discovered too late. The black Magic was targeted with certain criteria: The victim had to be a girl who was born in a specific year and month. The black magic would lose its power if Other people apart from Jessie touched it. However, in Jessie's case the black magic had already taken full effect and had become uncontrollable. Thus, only direct family members were to be allowed to visit her and even to send her off at her wake. The strange ornament was left at the temple to be handled and disposed of appropriately. Silently, and with great pain, Jessie left by the seventh day on her Return from her vacation. Things to look out: 1. Usually you would not be instructed to keep it a secret about buying anything, unless magic is involved. 2. It is untrue that other people apart from the owner cannot touch blessed items. People that you are comfortable with can handle the blessed items. Of course, it is not a good idea to let strangers or anybody who you are not comfortable with to touch any of your closely held items. 3. It is quite common for people to ask what year you are born in when You are selecting items to suit your animal sign. If it is only to deal with Chinese animal signs, they do not need to ask for your birth month. If your birth month is requested for, you can always ask which theories they are following. For example, when selecting crystals and minerals according to astrology, we will need to know what is the birth month and day. 4. Do not buy closely held items or jewelry from non-creditable people, shops or organizations. 5. Many people may have the misconception that black magic can only be cast on them if their eight characters (birth year, month, day and time) are known. Eight characters are not necessary to cast black magic on a Specific person. I have shared this true account as a caution to all that it is important to exercise care when buying items, especially closely held items. It is important to know whom you are buying from, where you are buying from and what you are buying. Do not take things too lightly; else there may be much to lose. Feel free to circulate this email to friends and relatives.
MICROWAVED WATER - MUST READ AND ALSO SEE THE DEMO ATTACHMENT Hi folks, for your safety read the article below and see the demo attached. This is a repeat. Important to see the demo attachment. Just incase u dont know.... Adrian wrote: A 26-year old person decided to have a cup of coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the microwave to heat it up (something that he had done numerous times before). I am not sure how long he set the timer for, but he told me he wanted to bring the water to a boil. When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the cup from the oven. As he looked into the cup, he noted that the water was not boiling, but instantly the water in the cup 'blew up' into his face. The cup remained intact until he threw it out of his hand but all the water had flown out into his face due to the build up of energy. His whole face is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns to his face which may leave scarring. He also may have lost partial sight in his left eye. While at the hospital, the doctor who was attending to him stated that this is fairly common occurrence and water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven. If water is heated in this manner, something should be placed in the cup to diffuse the energy such as: a wooden stir stick, tea bag, etc. It is however a much safer choice to boil the water in a kettle. General Electric's response: Thanks for contacting us. I will be happy to assist you. The e-mail that you received is correct. Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all. The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it. To prevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than two minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup stand in the microwave for thirty seconds before moving it or adding anything into it. If you pass this on ... you could very well save someone from a lot of pain and suffering.
Today A Maths test...i think i gonna fail...chem test also very difficult...mole calculation i still 一知半解...haiz...gonna die...really DIE... Labels: exams
There's this girl who is from 3M2 i guess...during chem test...her OAS flew below my table...then after that Lit test...her foolscap also flew below my table...then today...her A Maths paper ALSO FLEW BELOW MY TABLE...zzz...
Shw was previously known as SHUT-THE-PA-O ... coz when i first saw her last year, i was walking with hungwei and then she somehow scolded us...forgot about the reason...she wants us to shut up the she shouted SHUT-THE-PA-O...lols
nth much to post about...just hope that MYE can quickly end and that i will have at least a few good grades...i just love the NSW Science competition...and also love not failing A Maths...even though i will, most probably...
The MYE are here! We all went to the hall for the exams...last friday is EL...tomorrow is SS and tuesday is Chem...i thin i will fail my chem...Ms Chew says it is VERY DIFFICULT and i seriously do not understand what Ms Chen is teaching! Mdm Eio says she will gimme a revision chem lesson...maybe tomorrow she give? One to one sia...hopefully i will not fail my Chem... Labels: exams
Wondering why I long time never post? i have been busy with other things...such as studying for the MYE...i put more important things in front of blogging...many of you should learn from me...rite?
Improving on my A Maths...1st term i was too lazy and didnt bother to listen in class...but i thought i should buck up and so i revise myself...then in the end i found out that it was qutie easy actually!
Eclipses-er (meaning 3P2 people)...for those in express chinese, not higher chinese...tomorrow bring your mother-tongue file...file in and do corrections...Mr Phang wants to check...i have eaten all your chocolates...XD
Just a little reminder :)
Lastly, i wish all Eclipse-ers good luck (except JP, of course!)
A funny video
Love the DJ
LOLS...makes me laugh like hell...
Try these on JP?
Yesterday...we had a Sports Carnival...and this year, i am in red house...Sec 1s play Floorball...Sec 2s play Soccer...Sec 3s play Basketball while the Sec 4 boys play Volleyball and the Sec 4 girls play Netball...
Our boys basketball got 3 teams...and 1st team to get knocked out was JP's group Score...3:1
Weiyi's team very strong...managed to win Mingjun's group. All played very rough...
My group, got Jun Jie, Teng Chin, Han Xiong, Hong Da, Me (obviously) and Malcolm...out team also very strong...first two matches we played, we trashed the opposite teams...with their score: 0.
Sec 3 Red House did not win anything...i guessed,,,but in the end...Red House is the CHAMPION...how is it possible? Ar...i know...thanks to ME!!! lols
Ms Stella Tan is a very straight forward teacher...the way she speaks...she says that how can Mrs liam ba a councillor? People see her face already want to go commit suicide...HAHA...
What is RD doing? they posted a very similar joke in April's copy...which they printed the joke a few years back...the person earned an extra US$100...SADED
Nicks:Mathspro™, Mathsprince™ (anything with pro or Maths)
Skool:Geniuses dun go to school!
Read this Intro
They call me Mathspro™
I have lived for Many years
My Favourite Thing Is Friends
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered by the way i like to make ppl laugh
I love my Self the most
Tag before you leave
The One and ONLY Mathspro™ in Singapore, Malaysia and some-say Batam and the World...Sheez, am i getting too thick-skinned?
I hate people who act like they know something when they actually dun...(CCK i'm talking abt u...xD)
Man! i am BLOODY EVIL *sinister laugh* i mock ppl who r shorter than me...so sad Chee Koon xD
Dun order me around...u FOOLS!
What is FEAR?
Or it can be...
Therefore i m unafraid of FEAR...coz they are something that exists only in my mind...it is false
Thx Brent Williams
U changed my life
Proud member of MindChamps class S4L 8039!!! Daniel Chiam rox
<3 MindChamps
Coz the people touch me in more ways than one(OMG...it sounds so wrong)
C'mon ppl, SPAM my tagboard.
I am GamersGuide...the very pro mage (in Rakion) ya xD...actually is average, is u guys out there noob! and my cells pro...xD
[[ My Adores ]]
Drinks:Everything too...almost...
People:Likes to be alone
[[ My Detests ]]
People:JP Jp and more JP
Things:JP JP and still more JP
Food:Can't think of any
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[[ My History ]]
|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|December 2010|January 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|August 2011|January 2012
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Friends ]]
Class Blog 3P2/4P2
|Teo Wen Fei(TWF)|
|Benjamin Wong(some1 who loves TWF)|
205 LOLers '07
|Agnes (haha short...opps sry)|
|Aixin (Monster/爱心?)|
|Chin Yee <--not tall|
|Feng Yu(Look at me!)|
|Han Xiong <--HAHAS...Short|
|Jarin Tan <--SHORT!!|
|Jasmine(a bit taller, huh?)|
|Long Siang AKA MSL|
|Qianni (欠你)|
|Qiu Wen (nth 2 say leh...)|
|Xihui AKA 西瓜|
|Xinni<--not tall 2|
|Zhicong the blackie|
4P2 friends
|Alvin Wo(A SJAB guy tt pwn Meng Han|
|Eugene Liong(MY Brother)|
|Hui Yi(o.0 Kiya=NOOB!)|
|Ong Jian Hui(Aussie ass...this sounds so wrong)|
|Ding Xun (once a no. 1)|
Volleyballers BP
|Ong Yong Chee(My senior!)|
S4L 8039 class
|Xin Shen(USS guy xD)|
|Sheng Ying (Falltumn)|
|Agnes Lee (大小姐!)|
|Tay Wei Le (Lelewo~~)|
[[ Credits ]]
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|